
Showing posts from March, 2022

Dr. Theron Moodley’s take on the Epidemiology, Risk Management and Prognosis for MTCT

  All pregnant women are urged to get tested for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B, and rubella during their antenatal appointment. According to  Dr. Theron Moodley , if a pregnant woman resists taking HIV tests, it should be documented in her maternity notes, and her reasons should be thoroughly considered. In addition, screening should be offered again in about 28 weeks. Dr. Theron Moodley , an expert gynecologist, states that HIV infection in young children is most typically transmitted from mother to kid (MTCT). Only 1.5 to 2% of MTCT during pregnancy is thought to occur transplacentally. Most instances are caused by maternal-fetal blood transfer during parturition and postnatal nursing. According to  Dr. Theron Moodley , a negative maternal HIV test upon booking does not rule out neonatal infection; maternal infection and seroconversion can occur at any point during pregnancy and nursing. It has been well-documented in HIV-endemic countries and observed globally. This artic...


  Have you ever considered a career as an OB/GYN physician? Perhaps you fantasized about it as a young medical student or even a child? If you’re reading this, you’ve probably imagined yourself as a practicing gynecologist, creating and nurturing lifelong relationships and providing care to patients.  Dr. Theron Moodley  has made the same trip and has established himself as a trusted authority in the subject. He can take you from maturity to midlife and beyond to become a successful gynecologist.  According to  Theron Moodley ,  medical expertise is merely one component of the overall criteria for a career as a gynecologist . Aside from your academic medical expertise, he considers key transferable talents such as managerial and leadership abilities crucial to the practice.  Let’s look at some of the essential factors that  Dr. Theron Moodley  believes are necessary for becoming a great gynecologist.  First and foremost, Acquiring Value-...

Dr. Theron Moodley: HIV Management and Preconception Counseling for Pregnant Women

For a long time,  Dr. Theron Moodley  has maintained that HIV and mother-to-child transmission of the disease remain global problems. As of 2015, 36.7 million people worldwide were living with HIV. Worldwide, 6% to 20% of all maternal deaths are related to HIV. The predominant association is infectious disease complications associated with HIV. The estimated worldwide rate of mother-to-child transmission is 14%. Still, it is less than 1% in the United States due to the success of antiretroviral therapy (ART). In the United States alone,  Dr. Theron Moodley  posits there is a perception that HIV has become less of a public health issue. The goal of this article is to summarize the recommendations by  Dr. Theron Moodley  for the care of pregnant women with HIV, highlighting recent changes in the guidance, which could bring us closer to our goal to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV. How  Dr. Theron Moodley  Views OB’s Role in HI...